
    Antonia Clara Iacobescu (born April 12, 1989), commonly known as Antonia, is a Romanian singer, performer, and model.

    At five years old she moved to the United States with her parents. Antonia lived and grew up in the states of Utah and then Nevada, where she finished high school and got into the modeling world. She has participated in hundreds of photo shoots for catalogs while working with large agencies in the U.S., such as Lenz and Ford Models. Likewise, she has launched her own clothing line called MOJA in 2013. Actually is married with the singer Alex Velea.

Adio (feat. Connect-R)
Anxietate (Carla's Dreams feat. Antonia)
Intoarce-Te Acasa (Holograf feat. Antonia)
Trika Trika (Faydee feat. Antonia)


Other collaborations
